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Get vine short URL from video URL

Is there any way to get the short URL (e.g., from the video URL (e.g.,

I also have the vine's postId if that is helpful.


  • If you have postId, there is a way to hash it the way they do it.

    vine_key = 'BuzaW7ZmKAqbhMOei5J1nvr6gXHwdpDjITtFUPxQ20E9VY3Ll'
    example_post_id = 910326069930893312
    change example_post_id to base-49 (its vine_key size)
    # => [11, 20, 1, 14, 10, 7, 44, 12, 42, 4, 11]
    replace each digit of the base-49 number with the corresponding character on the vine_key # 0: B, 1: u, 2:z ... 47: L, 48: l
    # => [b, n, u, O, q, m, V, h, E, W, b]
    BOOM, you've got the hashed id
    # => "bnuOqmVhEWb"

    I implemented it on ruby, if you are interested: