I'm trying to deserialize such XML document:
<elementType1 arg1="..." />
<elementType1 arg1="..." />
<elementType1 arg1="..." />
<elementType2 argA="..." argB="..." />
<elementType2 argA="..." argB="..." />
<elementType2 argA="..." argB="..." />
By default XStream can parse only such form:
<elementType1 arg1="..." />
<elementType1 arg1="..." />
<elementType1 arg1="..." />
<elementType2 argA="..." argB="..." />
<elementType2 argA="..." argB="..." />
<elementType2 argA="..." argB="..." />
This is because XStream use next format for collections:
<elem .... />
<elem .... />
<elem .... />
and frame tags are obligatory. Collection can contain only single type nodes. So how can I parse such XML document? Now I've written my own convertor for this but I wonder are there some other ways?
I think that Implicit Collections is the solution for you.
Here is the sample code:
package com.thoughtworks.xstream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Blog teamBlog = new Blog(new Author("Guilherme Silveira"));
teamBlog.add(new Entry("first","My first blog entry."));
teamBlog.add(new Entry("tutorial",
"Today we have developed a nice alias tutorial. Tell your friends! NOW!"));
XStream xstream = new XStream();
xstream.alias("blog", Blog.class);
xstream.alias("entry", Entry.class);
xstream.addImplicitCollection(Blog.class, "entries");
And the result:
<name>Guilherme Silveira</name>
<description>My first blog entry.</description>
Today we have developed a nice alias tutorial. Tell your friends! NOW!