I'm currently working on Phonegap 3.1 project. I work locally using the CLI.
I installed (via a remote github repo) a 3rd party plugin using the CLI which created a directory in the /plugins directory containing 2 sub-directory : src containing the iOS and android native code and a www/ directory containing some .js files.
When I first build the app for iOS (still using the CLI) everything went well and phonegap did it magic and copied everything at the right place!
However the plugin author made a little mistake on one of the .JS files that I fixed and push requested to his master repo. So I also made the same correction to the JS file in the /plugins directory. However when I recompiled the app it seemed that phonegap ignored my changes and used my older file. I then made the correction into the /plugins as well as in the /plateforms/ios/... but still after compilation my old files where back! So I'm wondering if phonegap is redowloading the plugin each time from the repo? or has some kind of building cache...does anyone has a clue??
This is driving me nuts!
Thanks for your help.
I found the solution!
Phonegap has indeed a cache for build.
It create a hidden directory /plateforms/ios/.staging
This directory contained a copy of the .JS files that apparently were not updated when rebuilding.
I don't know if it's a bug or a feature...
Hope this will help!