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Scala Sugar for Options of Seq

I need to map a sequence, and if empty consider it a None rather than a empty sequence. So :

val quote_ = q=> {
  val quote_link_regex(quote_link_id) = q.attr("href")
val quote = if(quote_.isEmpty) None else Some(quote_)

I hate having to define two variables. If I do

val quote = Option( q=> {
  val quote_link_regex(quote_link_id) = q.attr("href")

Since I get tons of Some(Seq()). What's the sugar, sugar daddies ?


  • You can avoid creating two top-level vals in several ways:

    Using an inner val:

    val quote = {
      val quote = fooQuote map(q => myFunc(q))
      if (quote.isEmpty) None else Some(quote)

    Note that even if the val names are identical, they don't refer to the same value; the inner one shadows the outer.

    Using a match expresssion:

    val quote = fooQuote map(q => myFunc(q)) match { case q => if (q.isEmpty) None else Some(q) }