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How to write a vows js bdd test for an asynchronous recursive operation


var Util = function(){
    function factorial(n, callback){
        if(n == 1){
           return n;
        } else {
           return n*factorial(n-1, callback);
        /*callback(returnValue); */ // Where should this line go?

      factorial: factorial

exports.Util = Util;


var vows = require('vows'),
    assert = require('assert'),
    Util = require('./Code').Util;

var u = new Util();

vows.describe('Testing Utils').addBatch({
     'Test Factorial async':{
          topic: function(){
                u.factorial(5, this.callback);
          'The output must be 120': function(result, ignore){
              assert.equal(result, 120);

run on node.js

> node Test.js

I get the error callback not fired.

What I understand is just before my function returns if I am able to put this script: callback(computeValue); this should work IMHO. Please correct me If I am wrong. However, I do not understand where can I insert this. Thanks for your time!


  • First of all, your code isn't asynchronous, you need to use process.nextTick or setImmediate and, in the current situation the test case should look like I wrote below:


    var Util = function () {
        this.factorial = function (n) {
            if (n == 1) {
                return n;
            } else {
                return n * this.factorial(n - 1);
    exports.Util = Util;


    var vows = require('vows'),
        assert = require('assert'),
        Util = require('./code').Util;
    vows.describe('Testing Utils').addBatch({
        'Test Factorial async': {
            topic: new Util,
            'The output must be 120': function (util) {
                assert.equal(util.factorial(5), 120);