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How to keep track of a process per browser window and access it at each event in Nitrogen?

In Nitrogen, the Erlang web framework, I have the following problem. I have a process that takes care of sending and receiving messages to another process that acts as a hub. This process acts as the comet process to receive the messages and update the page.

The problem is that when the user process a button I get a call to event. How do I get ahold of that Pid at an event.

the code that initiates the communication and sets up the receiving part looks like this, first I have an event which starts the client process by calling wf:comet:

event(start_chat) -> 
  Client = wf:comet(fun() -> chat_client() end);

The code for the client process is the following, which gets and joins a room at the beginning and then goes into a loop sending and receiving messages to/from the room:

chat_client() -> 
  Room = room_provider:get_room(), 

chat_client(Room) -> 
    {send_message, Message} ->
      room:send_message(Room, Message);
    {message, From, Message} -> 
      wf:insert_bottom(messages, [#p{}, #span { text=Message }]), 

Now, here's the problem. I have another event, send_message:

event(send_message) ->
  Message = wf:q(message),
  ClientPid ! {send_message, Message}.

except that ClientPid is not defined there, and I can't see how to get ahold of it. Any ideas?

The related threat at the Nitrogen mailing list:


  • Nitrogen provides a key-value storage per page instance called state. From the documentation:

    Retrieve a page state value stored under the specified key. Page State is different from Session State in that Page State is scoped to a series of requests by one user to one Nitrogen Page:

    wf:state(Key) -> Value

    Store a page state variable for the current user. Page State is different from Session State in that Page State is scoped to a series of requests by one user to one Nitrogen Page:

    wf:state(Key, Value) -> ok

    Clear a user's page state:

    wf:clear_state() -> ok