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How the Vertex Shaders of OpenGL 4.X process huge number of vertices

In OpenGL 4.3+, the Compute Shader allow user to explicitly config the number of threads in each block and how many blocks are used to process the data (glDispatchCompute). However, in Vertex Shader, I do not need to provide any threads/blocks configuration. So for Vertex Shader, it there an automatic way to distribute the work load among blocks/processes? When I have large number of vertices to process, Is it possible that I explicitly provides configuration to Vertex Shader?


  • Is it possible that I explicitly provides configuration to Vertex Shader?


    So for Vertex Shader, it there an automatic way to distribute the work load among blocks/processes?

    Yes. The GPU/driver should already be taking care of that behind the scenes.

    By using large batches in server-side memory you're already telling the OpenGL implementation to render those as fast as it can.

    It's not like OpenGL starts up in some sort of "slow" mode that you have to turn off.