I'm working on j2me project that involves getting a list of users from an online database, I then intend to populate a list with the names of the users and the number can be very large. my question is - are there limits to the number of items you can append to a list?
HttpConnection hc = (HttpConnection);
String reply;
InputStream is = new hc.openInputStream();
int ch;
// Check the Content-Length first
long len = hc.getLength();
if(len!=-1) {
for(int i = 0;i<len;i++)
if((ch = is.read())!= -1)
reply += (char) ch;
} else {
// if the content-length is not available
while ((ch = is.read()) != -1)
reply += (char) ch;
DataParser parser = new DataParser(reply); // This is a custom class I created to process the XML data returned from the server to split it into groups and put in an array.
List user list = new List("Users");
if (parser.moveToNext()) {
do {
list.append(parser.get(), null);
This code seems to be working fine but my problem is, if a keep calling list.append("", null), will it get to a point when some exception is thrown, maybe in the case of 50,000 names (list items)?
Their is no limitation to number of items in a list. You can as well use stringItems appended to form, then add item commands to them... I hope this helps. J2ME tutorial at http://www.tutorialmasterng.blogspot.com