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Byte Manipulation for MIPS instruction set

I would like to do some byte manipulation using MIPS instruction set.

  • I have register $S0 which has 0x8C2E5F1E and register $S1 which has 0x10AC32BB.
  • I would like to store the second byte of $S0, 5F, into the third byte of $S1, AC.

My logic would be to store the byte of register $S0 into another register, shift it to the desired byte. Then I would and register $S1 with 0xFF00FFFF. Finally, I would just or the two registers. How does that sound? Is it correct? Any better way?

Any suggestions or solution would be appreciated.


  • For Release 2 and later, MIPS includes an Insert Bit Field instruction which takes bits starting at the least significant from one register and placing them into the specified range in a second register. Thus your byte insertion could be performed by the following:

    // rotating right one byte rather than shift to preserve data
    // without using an additional register
    ROTR $S0, $S0, 8;
    // insert LSbits from $S0 into $S1 starting at bit 16
    // with size of 8 bits
    INS $S1, $S0, 16, 8;