Situation: Within my game, I have tiles that collide with the player which is detected however when I attempt to cause an event to occur when they collide, nothing will happen.
Problem: I currently have a Collision class within each tile class. Within the tile class I have a method which passes in the player rectangle (x, y, width and height) using parameters. I then call the tiles Collision class check collision method. After some testing, I discovered that the collision IS being recognised however within my tileMap class (holds a 2D array of the Tile class) when I check through each tile (using foreach) and call the update method within each tile class, only the first tile collides. Nothing else.
Here is my code:
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
namespace Project
class Tile
Texture2D tileTexture;
Rectangle tileRect;
public Collision collision;
private Vector2 pos;
public int tileNumber;
private SpriteFont tileT;
bool box;
public enum tileCollision
public tileCollision tileValue;
public Tile(string tileType,int number, Rectangle newTileRect, ContentManager Content)
tileTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>(tileType);
tileT = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("TimesNewRoman");
tileRect = newTileRect;
tileNumber = number;
pos.X = tileRect.X;
pos.Y = tileRect.Y;
//check if tile is within draw block
if (tileNumber >= 9 && tileNumber <= 13)
tileValue = tileCollision.passable;
if (tileNumber >= 0 && tileNumber <= 8 )
tileValue = tileCollision.nonpassable;
System.Console.WriteLine("NON PASSABLE TILE: " + " x: " + tileRect.X + " y: " + tileRect.Y);
collision = new Collision(tileRect.X, tileRect.Y, tileRect.Width, tileRect.Height);
public void update(Rectangle rect)
//System.Console.WriteLine(playerRect.X, playerRect.Y);
if (collision.boundingBoxCollisionCheck(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height))
//if (tileValue == tileCollision.nonpassable)
// System.Console.WriteLine("COLLISION!!!!!");
box = true;
if (box == true)
System.Console.WriteLine("COLLISION!!!!! at x: " + tileRect.X + "y: " + tileRect.Y );
public void draw(SpriteBatch spritebatch)
//if tile is within draw block then draw
spritebatch.Draw(tileTexture, tileRect, Color.White);
spritebatch.DrawString(tileT, pos.X.ToString(), pos, Color.White);
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using System.IO;
namespace Project
class TileMap
//public Tile[,] tile = new Tile[10,10];
public List<Tile> tiles = new List<Tile>();
int width;
int height;
string[] tileType = { "Tiles/BrickGrassTile1", "Tiles/BrickGrassTile2", "Tiles/BrickGrassTile3", "Tiles/BrickGrassTile4",
"Tiles/BrickGrassTile5", "Tiles/BrickRoofTile1", "Tiles/BrickRoofTile2", "Tiles/BrickRoofTile3",
"Tiles/BrickTile1", "Tiles/GrassPuddleTile1", "Tiles/GrassRockTile1", "Tiles/WallTile1", "Tiles/GrassTile1", "Tiles/GrassTile2", "Tiles/BrickDoor1" };
public void generateMap(int [,]map, int size, ContentManager content)
for (int x = 0; x < map.GetLength(1); x++)
for (int y = 0; y < map.GetLength(0); y++)
int number = map[y, x];
if (number >= 0)
tiles.Add(new Tile(tileType[number],number, new Rectangle(x * size, y * size, size, size), content));
width = (x + 1) * size;
height = (y + 1) * size;
public void update(Rectangle playerRect)
foreach (Tile tile in tiles)
public void draw(SpriteBatch spritebatch)
foreach (Tile tile in tiles)
... each tile (using foreach) and call the update method within each tile class, only the first tile collides. Nothing else.
I suspect your player rectangle is smaller than one of your tiles, which is why you are only getting 1 collision.
The way your logic works now, once you collide with an item, it permanently says you are colliding with the item. This is incorrect. Use this:
public void update(Rectangle rect)
//System.Console.WriteLine(playerRect.X, playerRect.Y);
if (collision.boundingBoxCollisionCheck(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height))
System.Console.WriteLine("COLLISION!!!!! at x: " + tileRect.X + "y: " + tileRect.Y );