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Long live HTTP connections using Tire gem

I am doing bulk indexing using Tire Gem as the client for Elasticsearch

index ='oldskool')

I monitor the HTTP connections on my Elasticsearch cluster by using the http monitor API,

curl 'localhost:9200/_nodes/http/stats'

In the JSON response that I get ,

..."http":{"current_open" : 10, "total_opened" : 18345}

I observed that the "total_opened" field value goes on increasing rapidly. I think this means that the Tire gem is not using persistent connections while bulk indexing( Please correct me if I am wrong ).

How can I use Tire Gem to make persistent connections with Elasticsearch while doing bulk indexing?


  • By default Tire uses RestClient which doesn't support keep-alive. You can switch to curb client by configuring Tire for example like this.

    require 'tire/http/clients/curb'
    Tire.configure do
      client Tire::HTTP::Client::Curb