I am not sure if its a gap in my understanding. I have to zip a folder which sits on a server in the same network. Suppose I have a folder WebSite on the D drive of ABC machine on XYZ domain (same network as my machine). I use the following code to zip it
using (ZipFile myZip = new ZipFile())
myZip.AddSelectedFiles("*.*", @"\\ABC.XYZ.com\d$\WebSite\", true);
Using this code I get an archive in the D drive of the server ABC but, the structure of the zip would look like this.
Test.zip -> ABC.XYZ.com -> d$ -> Website
Is there some alternative way to get the Zip file like Test.zip -> Website, while on a network path.
Use the ZipFile.AddDirectory method:
using (ZipFile myZip = new ZipFile())
myZip.AddDirectory(@"\\ABC.XYZ.com\d$\WebSite\", "WebSite");