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How do you create a completely blank Brightcove player template, with no controls?

I'm trying to load up a Brightcove video which has absolutely no controls when the HTML5 version loads on iPads (e.g: play/pause, progress bar, volume) and just plays the video. This video will then be controlled with buttons on the page via the Smart Player API. I have tried creating a very blank template using the BEML markup like below, and it hides the controls in the flash player but doesn't effect the HTML5 player, am I missing anything here?

  <Theme name="Deluxe" style="Dark"/>
    <ChromelessVideoPlayer id="videoPlayer" useOverlayMenu="false" video="{videoList.selectedItem}" theme="">
      <ChromelessControls boxType="vbox" visible="false" vAlign="bottom">

I thought there might be some methods in the Javascript Smart Player API but I can't seem to find them, does anything like hideVideoControls or something along those lines exist?


  • Brightcove has an article that I think accomplishes what you want.