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JavaScript: Attach onclick to a link inside "while" loop

I'm having trouble with attaching an onclick to each link object inside a loop, when you click the link, it seems to always return data relevant to the first item in the loop, regardless what was clicked. Where as i need each link clicked to have the relevant href to that link

In the example below, regardless what link was clicked, the console.log would always show ""

HTML Example

    <h2><a class="t" href=""><i>Link 1 text</i></a></h2>
    <div class="panel" >Content</div>

    <h2><a class="t" href=""><i>Link 2 text</i></a></h2>
    <div class="panel" >Content</div>

    <h2><a class="t" href=""><i>Link 3 text</i></a></h2>
    <div class="panel" >Content</div>



  var theh2s = document.getElementById("panelList").getElementsByTagName("h2"), 
  i = theh2s.length;

  while (i--) {

      var getTheLinks = theh2s[i].getElementsByTagName("a");

      if (getTheLinks){
        if (getTheLinks[0].href){


          getTheLinks[0].onclick = function() {
            _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Homepage', 'AB Click - Test B', getTheLinks[0].href]);




  • The problem is that when a click occured, getTheLinks has already been set to the last h2 in the list. To prevent each loop to override the previous one, you have to use a closure create a new context using this pattern : (function(i){...})(i).

    As Felix Kling mentionned, a closure actually is the source of the problem. The following article could enlighten you about this concept. There is a paragraph concerning this common pitfall you just have encountered :

    (function () {
        var theh2s = document.getElementById("panelList").getElementsByTagName("h2"),
            i = theh2s.length;
        while (i--) {
            (function (i) {
                var getTheLinks = theh2s[i].getElementsByTagName("a");
                if (getTheLinks) {
                    if (getTheLinks[0].href) {
                        getTheLinks[0].onclick = function () {
                            _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Homepage', 'AB Click - Test B', getTheLinks[0].href]);

    I'm not familiar with JSLint. If you need to be JSLint valid, I guess you'll have to move the function definition outside the loop like this :

    while (i--) {
    function f(i) {
        // same as above