I am embedding geckofx v22.0.6 into a .Net 4 C# Winforms test app. Using geckofx LoadHtml() to put SVG content into gecko's document. SVG snippet (formatted for readability):
<!-- 8 -->
<g id='node3' class='node'>
<polygon fill='red'
points='571,-828 517,-828 517,-792 571,-792 571,-828'/>
<text text-anchor='middle' x='544' y='-806.3'
font-family='Times New Roman,serif' font-size='14.00'
Handling DomMouseOver event on my form:
void m_gb_DomMouseOver(object sender, Gecko.DomMouseEventArgs e)
var tgt = e.Target.CastToGeckoElement();
if (tgt.NodeName.ToLower() == "text")
var parent = tgt.ParentNode;
foreach (var child in parent.ChildNodes)
if (child.NodeName.ToLower() != "polygon")
var poly = child as GeckoElement;
poly variable is always null. In debugger's watch window I tried casting child to all sorts of things (SvgElement, GeckoElement, etc), it just wants to stay GeckoNode. Why is this?
It was a bug in the GeckoFx's QueryInterface. https://bitbucket.org/geckofx/geckofx-22.0/issue/54/casting-geckonode-to-geckoelement-for-svg
Fixed in the tip of v22.0.6