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In C#, how can a class do its own application-end finalization in a way that works under both ASP.Net and non-web applications?

I have a library class used in ASP.Net and non-web applications that needs end-of-application finalization.

Within my project's library, I want the class to do its own end-of-application finalization without requiring a developer to add a call to Global.Application_End or AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit.

How can this be done?

Additional background/rationale:

Even if I were to consider those options, it appears that AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit does not get called when an ASP .Net application is stopped in IIS. And Global.Application_End is specific to ASP .Net. So, neither option is compatible with both situations.

If it helps to have a specific example of why this might be needed... In this particular case, it uses SqlDependency which (as I understand it) requires a call to SqlDependency.Start for initialization and a call to SqlDependency.Stop before application termination.



  • It appears that a simulated static fianalizer described in this S.O. answer,, works in both web and non-web applications.

    Here's a sample that I have working:

    public class ClassThatNeedsStaticFinalizer {
        // ... other class properties, methods, etc ...     
        #region Static Finalizer Emulation
        static readonly Finalizer finalizer = new Finalizer();
        private sealed class Finalizer
                 //  ... Do final stuff here ...

    (NOTE: For some code scratchpad environments like LinqPad, ~Finalizer may not fire until the scratchpad app itself closes)