I'm trying to use my weather API to get the weather condition for an area, I think I have everything functioning except for the data parsing part.
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import com.google.gson.*;
public class URLReader {
public static URL link;
public static void main(String[] args) {
}catch(IOException e){}
public static void open(){
link = new URL("http://api.wunderground.com/api/54f05b23fd8fd4b0/geolookup/conditions/forecast/q/US/CO/Denver.json");
}catch(MalformedURLException e){}
public static void read() throws IOException{
//little bit stuck here
Can anyone help me to finish this simple little project, I'm a beginner btw.
You can use javaQuery to do this more easily:
$.getJSON("http://api.wunderground.com/api/54f05b23fd8fd4b0/geolookup/conditions/forecast/q/US/CO/Denver.json", null, new Function() {
public void invoke($ j, Object... args) {
//if you are expecting a JSONObject, use:
JSONObject json = (JSONObject) args[0];
//otherwise, it would be: JSONArray json = (JSONArray) args[0];
//Then to more easily parse the JSON, do this:
Map<String, ?> map = $.map(json)
//if you are using an array instead, you can use: Object[] array = $.makeArray(json);
//Now just iterate through your map (or list) to get the data you want to parse.