I want to make blue the item with CODE != "abc012345" in the select combo "#accountSelector";
I tried the following solution and it works correctly but there's code replication (the content of the "option" tag is replicated into IF ELSE statements).
How can I change the color of the option tag in order to avoid code replication? Is there any javascript/jquery cleaner solution?
<table border="0" cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0" >
<logic:notEmpty name="enabledReportsList" >
<select id="accountSelector" name="accountSelector" style="WIDTH: 380px" class="comboFilter" onChange="preSubmit();document.changeReports.submit()">
<logic:iterate id="cc" indexId="ccn" name="enabledReportsList" >
<% if (!( ((it.myproject.common.Report)cc).getCode() ).equals("abc012345")){%>
<option style="color:blue" value="<bean:write name="cc" property="Report"/>" <%= ( ((it.myproject.common.Report)cc).getReport() ).equals(session.getAttribute("accountSelector")) ? "selected" : "" %> >
<bean:write name="cc" property="fullValue"/>
<%} else {%>
<option value="<bean:write name="cc" property="Report"/>" <%= ( ((it.myproject.common.Report)cc).getReport() ).equals(session.getAttribute("accountSelector")) ? "selected" : "" %>>
<bean:write name="cc" property="fullValue"/>
<td class="filterheader">
<b><bean:message key="selector.account" arg0="${fn:length(enabledReportsList)}"/></b>
<logic:empty name="enabledReportsList" >
<td class="filterheader">
<bean:message key="ENABLED_REPORTS.combo.empty"/>
It's pretty simple:
Calculate the value of the style in a Java code block without any output:
String style = "";
if( ... ) {
style = "style='color:blue' ";
Use the variable:
<option <%=style%>value="...
Note that you're responsible for properly escaping the content of the variable. In the Java code generated by the JSP compiler, you will get:
out.write("<option ");
i.e. the string will be passed to the client as is.