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Custom Action call cmd, error code 1

I have to call the cmd during the installation and when i run the installer all looks working well. But it is not like it looks.

In the log there is following line:

"CustomAction CMDInstallKey returned actual error code 1 but will be translated to success due to continue marking"

and even the cmd call don´t work. For understanding, the cmd pops up and the text goes into, but it do not work, and the error is quite strange, too. I have found nothing in the internet.

My code is this:

<CustomAction Id='CMDInstallKey' Directory='INSTALLLOCATION' 
Execute='immediate'ExeCommand='cmd.exe /c &quot; .\PontefixEncryptionTool 
-install WinInstaller .\keycontainer.pkxml del .\keycontainer.pkxml' Return='ignore' />

  <Custom Action='CMDInstallKey' After='InstallFinalize'></Custom>


  • May be it is better to use QtExecCmdLine?