I have a list of items with 2 dates (start date and end date) and duration in days (end date - start date). I want to cut them into bins to show the number of "active items" in each bin, i.e. if start date <= bin date and end date > bin date, the item should be counted in the bin.
Item StartDate EndDate Duration
Machine1 2005/01/21 2011/03/29 2258
Machine2 2004/05/12 2012/05/08 2918
Machine3 2004/10/15 2005/09/10 330
Machine4 2004/08/30 2011/08/02 2528
Machine5 2005/06/06 2010/12/03 2006
Machine6 2004/05/11 2007/03/17 1040
Machine7 2005/08/09 2011/05/30 2120
Machine8 2005/01/06 2012/06/07 2709
Machine9 2005/06/13 2008/08/28 1172
Machine10 2005/06/28 2010/04/08 1745
Machine11 2004/11/09 2007/05/14 916
Machine12 2005/05/26 2012/09/16 2670
Machine13 2004/05/28 2009/06/09 1838
Machine14 2005/01/06 2012/05/25 2696
Machine15 2005/08/20 2012/02/11 2366
Machine16 2004/08/02 2011/10/23 2638
Machine17 2004/08/10 2009/03/15 1678
Machine18 2005/05/08 2006/04/17 344
Machine19 2005/08/26 2006/07/24 332
Machine20 2004/03/30 2006/05/07 768
Bin counts that I want to produce:
2004/01/01 0
2005/01/01 9
2006/01/01 19
2007/01/01 16
2008/01/01 14
2009/01/01 13
2010/01/01 11
2011/01/01 9
2012/01/01 5
2013/01/01 0
As you can see, the totals of the bins do not add up to the total number of items, as you would expect with a traditional histogram.
I can do this with some verbose code, but I'm sure there must be some short way, using cut or split. I'm aware that the bin labels are off by one according to my definition above, but let's ignore that for now.
A way is:
#turn dates to actual dates
DF$StartDate <- as.Date(DF$StartDate, "%Y/%m/%d")
DF$EndDate <- as.Date(DF$EndDate, "%Y/%m/%d")
binDF[,1] <- as.Date(binDF[,1], "%Y/%m/%d")
counts <- colSums(sapply(binDF[,1], function(x) {DF$StartDate <= x & DF$EndDate > x}))
#> counts
#[1] 0 9 19 16 14 13 11 9 5 0
And as a complete dataframe:
resDF <- data.frame(dates = binDF[,1], counts = counts, stringsAsFactors = F)
#> resDF
# dates counts
#1 2004-01-01 0
#2 2005-01-01 9
#3 2006-01-01 19
#4 2007-01-01 16
#5 2008-01-01 14
#6 2009-01-01 13
#7 2010-01-01 11
#8 2011-01-01 9
#9 2012-01-01 5
#10 2013-01-01 0
The dataframes DF
and binDF
DF <- structure(list(Item = c("Machine1", "Machine2", "Machine3", "Machine4",
"Machine5", "Machine6", "Machine7", "Machine8", "Machine9", "Machine10",
"Machine11", "Machine12", "Machine13", "Machine14", "Machine15",
"Machine16", "Machine17", "Machine18", "Machine19", "Machine20"
), StartDate = c("2005/01/21", "2004/05/12", "2004/10/15", "2004/08/30",
"2005/06/06", "2004/05/11", "2005/08/09", "2005/01/06", "2005/06/13",
"2005/06/28", "2004/11/09", "2005/05/26", "2004/05/28", "2005/01/06",
"2005/08/20", "2004/08/02", "2004/08/10", "2005/05/08", "2005/08/26",
"2004/03/30"), EndDate = c("2011/03/29", "2012/05/08", "2005/09/10",
"2011/08/02", "2010/12/03", "2007/03/17", "2011/05/30", "2012/06/07",
"2008/08/28", "2010/04/08", "2007/05/14", "2012/09/16", "2009/06/09",
"2012/05/25", "2012/02/11", "2011/10/23", "2009/03/15", "2006/04/17",
"2006/07/24", "2006/05/07"), Duration = c(2258L, 2918L, 330L,
2528L, 2006L, 1040L, 2120L, 2709L, 1172L, 1745L, 916L, 2670L,
1838L, 2696L, 2366L, 2638L, 1678L, 344L, 332L, 768L)), .Names = c("Item",
"StartDate", "EndDate", "Duration"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
binDF <- structure(list(V1 = c("2004/01/01", "2005/01/01", "2006/01/01",
"2007/01/01", "2008/01/01", "2009/01/01", "2010/01/01", "2011/01/01",
"2012/01/01", "2013/01/01"), V2 = c(0L, 9L, 19L, 16L, 14L, 13L,
11L, 9L, 5L, 0L)), .Names = c("V1", "V2"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,