When opening a page I make an Ajax request. This requests takes about 10 sec to load and returns about 11MB of data.
The response of this Ajax requests needs to be set in the DOM by InnerHTML. For Internet Explorer this 11MB is way to much to handle at once, so I split that 11MB into 40 small blocks.
This is my code:
.done(function( data ) {
splitdata = data.split('<!-- START -->');
data = '';
var length = splitdata.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
var brin = String(splitdata[i].split('\n')[0].replace("<!-- ",'').replace(' -->', ''));
var percentage = Math.round(((i+1)*100)/(length + 2));
var data = splitdata[i];
if(brin.length != 0)
(function(brin, percentage, data) {
setTimeout(function() {
document.getElementById('tab_'+brin).innerHTML = data;
}, 0);
})(brin, percentage, data)
$('#loadingbar').css('width', percentage+'%');
.fail(function() {
Now I have two questions: 1. All browsers have some trouble with that innerHTML part. The page "hangs" and so my progressbar is not updated. Is there a solution for this problem?
It is not possible to make 40 small ajax requests because the data is very complex and results of part 1 are the basis of calculations made in two and so on.
Solved my own question, thanks to Boothinator. The code needs some improvements, but it works as expected:
$ .ajax({
url: 'url',
dataType: 'html',
processData: false,
xhr: function()
var xhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr();
var data = [];
xhr.addEventListener("progress", function(evt)
if(data.length > 0)
splitdata = xhr.responseText.split(data.join('<!-- START -->'))[1].split('<!-- START -->');
splitdata = xhr.responseText.split('<!-- START -->');
var length = splitdata.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length-1; i++)
if(splitdata[i] !== undefined)
var brin = String(splitdata[i].split('\n')[0].replace("<!-- ",'').replace(' -->', ''));
if(brin.length != 0)
var percentage = Math.round(((data.length+1)*100)/(40 + 2));
document.getElementById('tab_'+brin).innerHTML = splitdata[i];
$('#loadingbar').css('width', percentage+'%');
}, false);
return xhr;