I have roughly the following code: (SpiceRequest is class from RoboSpice project)
public class MyRequest extends SpiceRequest<SparseArray<MyService>> {
// ...
public MyRequest() {
// This will not work
public SparseArray<MyService> loadDataFromNetwork() {
// ...
Is it possible to pass to other method Class object of generic type? (Sorry if it's trivial, I'm new to Java world)
EDIT More detailed explanation
I'm trying to replace AsyncTask
witch loads data from network and returns SparseArray<MyService>
with SpiceRequest
from RoboSpice project. Witch requires providing T
in it's constructor call.
is not an Android "Service"EDIT 2 Problem solved by small work-around, addition of new intermediate class:
public class Result extends SparseArray<MyService> {}
And passing: Result.class
to super SpiceRequest
No, it is not possible for code in a generic class to know the class of its type parameter at run time. The type parameter is not visible in the byte code. This is called run time type erasure.
It's covered in great detail in the Java tutorial, starting at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/generics/erasure.html