I have a backup from a 3 node Mnesia cluster (a production cluster) that I want to restore to a 2 node cluster (which I use for development purposes to reproduce bugs). If the cluster had the same number of nodes, one would follow the recipe outlined here. How does one remove a node from the backup? Is this possible?
I tried changing the clause ({schema, db_nodes, Nodes}, Acc) to return a smaller list of nodes, but that doesn't seem to work (or maybe it works, but is insufficient).
Turns out this can be done pretty easily:
#!/usr/bin/env escript
change_node_name(Mod, Source, Target) ->
% Change this to whatever you want the new node list to be,
% with however many nodes, whatever names, etc.
ChangeNodes =
fun(_Nodes) ->
Convert =
fun({schema, db_nodes, Nodes}, Acc) ->
{[{schema, db_nodes, ChangeNodes(Nodes)}], Acc};
({schema, version, Version}, Acc) ->
{[{schema, version, Version}], Acc};
({schema, cookie, Cookie}, Acc) ->
{[{schema, cookie, Cookie}], Acc};
({schema, Tab, CreateList}, Acc) ->
Keys = [ram_copies, disc_copies, disc_only_copies],
OptSwitch =
fun({Key, Val}) ->
case lists:member(Key, Keys) of
true -> {Key, ChangeNodes(Val)};
false-> {Key, Val}
{[{schema, Tab, lists:map(OptSwitch, CreateList)}], Acc};
(Other, Acc) ->
{[Other], Acc}
mnesia:traverse_backup(Source, Mod, Target, Mod, Convert, switched).