If my JSON data can be converted directly using ko.observableArray then what's the use of Mapping plugin because as far as I know mapping plugin is used for converting JSON into knockout object. I am new to KO don't know much about it
The elements of an observableArray
aren't automatically observable themselves; subscriptions (including bindings) to an observableArray
respond to changes to the array itself (such as adding or removing elements) but not to changes to the content of an individual element. If you want the latter to happen, you need to turn the (relevant) properties of each object in the array into observable
s, and that's what the mapping plugin does for you.
var vm={};
vm.dummy=[{num:'one'}, {num:'two'}, {num:'three'}, {num:'four'}];
// Create observableArray of plain objects
// Create observableArray of objects with observable properties
Along with:
<ul data-bind="foreach: oa1"><li data-bind="text: num"></li></ul>
<ul data-bind="foreach: oa2"><li data-bind="text: num"></li></ul>
Now in the console:
vm.oa1()[1].num = 'five'
Nothing changes in the display
Error, because the element isn't an observable
The second list changes