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Clarify the concept of Multiple inheritance: Can a diamond structure issue occur?

Suppose you have two interfaces I1 and I2 both the interfaces have the same method

1)public int add(int a) throws exception e1    //(Interface 1)

2)public int add(int a) throws exception e2    //(Interface 2)

now a class implements both I1 and I2.

public int add(int a) exception e1
//adding operation

Note: I understand that if you implement multiple interfaces which have same method then only one implementation will be there in the implementing class.

  1. Does the compiler infer whether this method is from I1 or I2 based on the throws clause? Is method signature clarification required? (I know that signature include name and parameters passed.)

  2. If we have implemented both the interfaces and then we are throwing only e1 will the compiler allow this since the implementing class doesn't really implement both interfaces? will it cause diamond structure problem?

  3. Do we need to implement the same method with throws clause e1 and 2nd time e2? When I tried this the compiler told me I had duplicate methods.

  4. If we implement the I1 first then it says that it is I1's method and if we write the I2 first then it says its I2's method. Explain why this is so.


  • An interface defines a contract. If an interface defines a method

    void foo() throws SomeException;

    then it says: all implementing classes must have a method foo, returning void, not taking any argument, and which is allowed to throw SomeException but no other type of checkd exception.

    The implementing method may of course choose to not throw any exception at all, since it would not violate the contract of the interface method. throws means: this method might throw this exception in some circumstances.

    So, a method declared as

    public void foo();

    in an implementing class is valid for the interface defined above.

    So, in your example,

    public int add(int a) throws Exception1

    is a valid method declaration to override

    int add(int a) throws Exception1

    but is not valid for

    int add(int a) throws Exception2

    (unless of course Exception1 is a subclass of Exception2).

    The only way, if there is no inheritance between Excption1 and Exception2, to implement both interfaces is to have a method that doesn't throw any exception. That is the only possibility to fullfill the two contracts.