I decided to ask this question here because this might not be completely Chronoforms-plugin related. My problem is that I've made a custom Joomla registration form with Chronoforms, but when I'm trying to submit it, the page just refreshes. In fact none of the forms made by Chronoforms aren't working if I'm not logged in. But if I am, they are all working just fine.
My guess is that this has something to do with Mootools, as Chronoforms is using Mootools and when I log in, the site seems to be loading Mootools so that the forms work. But I don't know how could I troubleshoot this... Here's the link to the registration form: http://tylypahka.tk/muuta/rekisteroidy
Any suggestions and help will be much appreciated! :)
try temporarily setting site Error Reporting to Maximum to see if there are any meaningful error messages
try temporarily enabling debug
if using ChronoForms v4, try setting Relative URL to No in the form General tab
if using CAPTCHA with cache enabled, try with cache disabled
if using CAPTCHA, try temporarily disabling CAPTCHA or try RECAPTCHA instead
Reference: http://chronoengine.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=65518&p=311707&hilit=form+not+submitting#p264431