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Using static templates on ExpressionEngine with Mamp Pro

I am trying to upload some static templates that I download from Mijingo (the site I bought a tutorial from to learn ExpressionEngine) The instructions were to upload the templates to the folder with my expressionengine files. I was then under the impression that when I opened the local site I would see the template files. I am not very experienced in this area so I appreciate any direction you can provide.

I am also willing to provide any detail needed to help diagnose this issue. Thank you.


  • You need to make sure EE knows where your templates are located.

    Sign into your control panel and navigate to: Design -> Templates -> Global Preferences

    Change the settings for Save Templates as Files to Yes and then change Server path to site's templates to the location of the template files you added.

    Usually I would create a new folder: /themes/site_themes/myNewTheme, then templates will be stored in /themes/site_themes/myNewTheme/default_site/

    After changing the settings navigate to Design -> Templates -> Synchronise Templates, select all the templates and click submit.

    Hopefully that should do the trick :)