I'm having trouble to set a new attribute to the element, VS 2005 returns me the following error on the code below:
Error 1 No overload for method 'setAttribute' takes '2 'arguments Error 2 No overload for method 'setAttribute' takes '2 'arguments Error 3 No overload for method 'setAttribute' takes '2 'arguments
some of what can be the problem?
Thank you!
IHTMLElementCollection AllElements = document.all;
foreach (IHTMLElement Element in AllElements)
if (Element.tagName.ToUpper() == "IMG")
if (Element.offsetHeight <= 40 && Element.offsetHeight >= 20)
if (Element.offsetWidth <= 160 && Element.offsetWidth >= 130)
Element.setAttribute("width", Element.offsetWidth);
Element.setAttribute("height", Element.offsetHeight);
Element.setAttribute("src", "images/newimage.png");
catch (Exception e)
string erro = e.Message;
From MSDN: it appears that the third argument should be optional.
lFlags [in, optional] Type: long
LONG that specifies whether to use a case-sensitive search to locate the attribute. Can be one of the following values:
The case of strAttributeName is respected.
Match strAttributeName regardless of case.
You could try passing in 0 or 1.
Element.setAttribute("width", Element.offsetWidth, 0);
Element.setAttribute("height", Element.offsetHeight, 0);
Element.setAttribute("src", "images/newimage.png", 0);
Adding info from Hans' comment above (as suggested below):
"VS2005 is stone cold old. C# v2 did not support optional arguments yet. " - Hans Passant :)