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How to change a sprite using CCScale9Sprite object

I'm able to swap a sprite using this method (How to swap the sprite in the CCSprite object in Cocos2d-X) for the class CCSprite. However, it seems not allowed for the CCScale9Sprite class since the setTexture method doesn't exist for this class.

I use a 9patch button in my menu and I'd like to change the sprite suitably touch/untouch actions. Any suggestion?


  • Ok, it seems I got the job using these lines under the "highlight_button" method:

    CCScale9Sprite *pSprite=(CCScale9Sprite *)cell->getChildByTag(789); // Get the sprite from the cell
    pSprite->setContentSize( CCSizeMake(winSize.width, 84) );

    A similar approach for the "unhighlight_button" method.