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Filter Lock Algorithm

I'm busy looking at the filter lock algorithm for n-thread mutual exclusion and I can't seem to understand line 17 of the code. I understand that it is spinning on a condition but not entirely sure what those conditions are. More specifically what (∃k != me) entails.

1 class Filter implements Lock {
2 int[] level;
3 int[] victim;
4 public Filter(int n) {
5     level = new int[n];
6     victim = new int[n]; // use 1..n-1
7     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
8         level[i] = 0;
9     }
10 }
11 public void lock() {
12     int me = ThreadID.get();
13     for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { //attempt level 1
14     level[me] = i;
15     victim[i] = me;
16     // spin while conflicts exist
17     while ((∃k != me) (level[k] >= i && victim[i] == me)) {};
18     }
19 }
20 public void unlock() {
21     int me = ThreadID.get();
22     level[me] = 0;
23 }
24 }


  • My reading of

    (∃k != me) (level[k] >= i && victim[i] == me)

    is "there exists some k other than me such that level[k] >= i && victim[i] == me".

    The loop spins until there is no k for which the condition holds.

    Here is another way to state the same thing:

    boolean conflicts_exist = true;
    while (conflicts_exist) {
       conflicts_exist = false;
       for (int k = 1; k < n; k++) {
          if (k != me && level[k] >= i && victim[i] == me) {
             conflicts_exist = true;