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Logarithmic axis scale in Kendo Chart

I have a scenario in which I need the a axis scale to be displayed in Logarithmic order. I did a little search and found that this option is not available but the posts are almost a year old. Has this functionality been provided in the latest releases?

Here are the links of Kendo forum that I looked into


  • I know this is an old post, but i found it trying to do something like this. I found a workaround, and it may be it help somebody.

    I found a way to implement a logarithmic scale in Kendo UI. Basically, the idea is convert the values from its logarithmic form to a linear form, then bound the data with a KendoUI serie ("scattered line" in my case) and replace the labels from the Y axis using a template.

    .YAxis(axis => axis
        .Title("BER (dB)")
        .Labels(l => l.Template("#= formatLog2('{0:0}', value) #"))
    .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip
        .Template("#= formatLog('{0:0.00000000000000}', value.y) #")

    and the JavaScript function "formatLog2". (it is a scratch code, just to ilustrate the point):

    function formatLog2(format, value) {
        if (value < 0) value = value * -1;
        value = Math.pow(10, value);
        return kendo.format(format, value);

    and the DataSource transform:

    using (IDatabase db = Database.Create())
    using (DataTable dt = new DataTable())
        db.ExecuteQuery(dt, Query);
        List<UnavailabilityChartPoint> l = new List<UnavailabilityChartPoint>();
        foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
            l.Add(new UnavailabilityChartPoint(
        return Json(l);

    the important parts are the linear to log and the log to linear transforms:

    value = Math.pow(10, value);    

    Hope this helps somebody.