I can't format decimal in custom formatted string
0.656 => 0.67;
23.656 => 23.67;
5105.54 => 5 105.54;
1234567,89 => 1 234 567,89
I found several posts:
c# - Using String Format to show decimal upto 2 places or simple integer
c# - Converting Decimal to string with non-default format
but when try to use them getting several problem
for example: on value
0.656 i'm getting ".656" or ".66"
23.656 => " 23.656" or " 23.66"
Car someone recommend links where I can find formatstring rules?
I don't think you actually want to convert 0.656
to 0.67
, cause it is just wrong. I guess you mean it should display as 0.66
If you really want to have spaces (which again i think it is wrong):
YourNumber.ToString("#,##0.##").Replace("."," ")