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How to set UTF-8 in Aptana Studio 3?

I have to be able to write the letters å, ä and ö. It works in other program without any problem. But in Aptana I cant do it. Å, ä and ö looks like when I press space on the keyboard.

I go to:
window->preferences->general->workspace. It is set to: "Default (cp1252)" and I change it to: "Other UTF-8".
That dont work!

I rightclick the file in Projectexplorer and set it to "UTF-8" (it's normally set to UTF-8).
That dont work!

In the Edit menu I can see at the bottom there is "Set Encoding", but that is never clickable. It's allways grayed-out.

I have gooooooooogled it but can't find anything that sonds like my problem (some close to but not the same).


  • As you said, go to Window->Preferences->General->Workspace

    enter image description here

    Set Text file encoding to Others:UTF-8, and it just works.