I'd like to start a shortcut with parameter-lines How could I execute this shortcut with parameters in Java? (As this doesn't work with ProcessBuilder I'm stuck once again...)
"C:/Program Files/MyPrograms/MyShortcut.lnk" -s 3 -n 100 (what ever these parameter lines mean now)
I'm sucessfully able to launch my shortcut, without parameters.
String directoryFile = "C:/Program Files/MyPrograms/MyShortcut.lnk"
Desktop.getDesktop().open(new File(directoryFile));
What I want:
String directoryFile = "C:/Program Files/MyPrograms/MyShortcut.lnk"
Desktop.getDesktop().open(new File(directoryFile)+"-s 3 -n 100");
This does work, but only for .exe files; I'd need to open a .lnk(win shortcut) with parameters
Process p = new ProcessBuilder("C:/Program Files/MyPrograms/MyFile.exe",
"-n", "100")
I think you'll need to decode the LNK to get the actual EXE path/file.