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cannot convert from 'System.Guid?' to 'System.Guid'

Does anyone know how to deal with this error?

cannot convert from 'System.Guid?' to 'System.Guid'


  • See MSDN.

    In that case, merely use myNullableVariable.Value (if you're sure it has a value), or (myNullableVariable.HasValue)?myNullableVariable.Value:somedefaulthere if you're not.

    One can also use GetValueOrDefault() if one doesn't care if the default is a specific value when the nullable really is null.

    The last way to do it is this: myNullableVariable.Value ?? defaultvalue.

    See, technically a MyType? variable is a Nullable<MyType> under the covers. There are no implicit or explicit casts between the two, so what you need to do is extract the value out of the Nullable manually. The third way i listed is the most succinct (and best?) way to do it, to that would probably be best in most cases.