I know Emacs 24 introduced lexical scoping; that is great but I work with lexical scoping all the time, and I'm trying to see from a different point of view with dynamic scoping.
Originally I just did what I would always do, rely on a closure:
(add-hook 'cider-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(dolist (p '(("M-l" . cider-load-current-buffer)
("M-e" . cider-eval-last-expression)))
(kbd (car p))
(lambda () (interactive) (save-buffer) (cdr p))))))
After finally understanding why p is undefined when the lambda runs, I came up with this to force the evaluation of p in the context of the dolist rather than when the lambda runs.
(add-hook 'cider-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(dolist (p '(("M-l" . cider-load-current-buffer)
("M-e" . cider-eval-last-expression)))
(kbd (car p))
(cons 'lambda `(() (interactive) (save-buffer) (funcall (quote ,(cdr p)))))))))
Is this the classical solution for solving the problem without closures and lexical scoping?
I would do this like this if I wanted to keep bindings in a list like you.
I actually prefer to spell out local-set-key
for each command.
(defun save-before-call (f)
(funcall #',f)))
(add-hook 'cider-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(mapc (lambda(x)(local-set-key
(kbd (car x))
(save-before-call (cdr x))))
'(("M-l" . cider-load-current-buffer)
("M-e" . cider-eval-last-expression)))))