I am trying to replace result in the string but I could not.
addu $t1, $t1, -1
lb $t7, ($t1)
addu $t1, $t1, 2
lb $t8, ($t1)
xor $t6, $t7, $t8
addu $t1, $t1, -2
beq $t6, 0, add_zero
beq $t6, 1, add_one
la $t6, 48
sb $t6, ($t1)
j fourth_phase
la $t6, 49
sb $t6, ($t1)
j fourth_phase
I checked that t6 has true value.
t6 should be first element of t1 and t1[1] and t1[2] should be deleted.
When I execute this code I get this error.
Memory address out of bounds
How can I do this?
I modified these parts
la $t6, 48
sb $t6, ($t1)
la $t6, 49
sb $t6, ($t1)
like this
addu $t6, $t6, 48
sb $t6, ($t1)
and problem solved.