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Export Firebird database to sql

I have several databases in Firebird using IBExpert as the GUI admin. I am changing over to MySQL. I can use IBExpert to backup the database (which gives me the full structure and data) but the gbak format can't be read by phpMyAdmin. PhpMyAdmin has an export command that dumps the data and/or structure of the active database to an sql file. Is it possible to do something similar with IBExpert?


  • You can use the FBExport tool to generate a dump with inserts. However I am not sure if it is still maintained and works with the latest Firebird versions (it says it was tested against Firebird 1.0 - 2.1).

    See Export data from Firebird into pure SQL inserts/ export data from Firebird to MySQL for an example of how to use this tool:

    $> FBExport.exe -D "c:\DB\WL.FDB" -U user –P password -Si -V TEST -F test.out

    Si – means “export to SQL inserts” format
    V – table name to export
    F – output filename