I am using a pretty basic Javascript function to swap out featured images depending on which thumbnail the user clicks. The image swaps out fine, but the title/alt tags always remain the same as the default featured image which is shown on page load. I am wondering how I can pull the alt/title tags over from the thumbnail images when they are selected. Any help greatly appreciated!
UPDATE edited to reflect working code thanks to ROK!
<div id="product-photos">
{% if product.images.size == 0 %}
<div id="product-photo-container">
<img src="{{ '' | product_img_url: 'grande' }}" title="{{ image.alt | escape }}" title="{{ image.alt | escape }}" alt="{{ image.alt | escape }}" />
{% else %}
<div id="product-photo-container">
<img src="{{ product.featured_image.src | product_img_url: 'grande' }}" title="{{ product.featured_image.alt | escape }}" alt="{{ product.featured_image.alt | escape }}" />
{% if product.images.size > 1 %}
<ul id="product-photo-thumbs" class="clearfix grid">
{% for image in product.images %}
<li class="product-photo-thumb">
<a href="{{ image.src | product_img_url: 'grande' }}" data-title="{{ image.alt }}" data-alt="{{ image.alt }}">
<img src="{{ image.src | product_img_url: 'small' }}" title="{{ image.alt | escape }}" alt="{{ image.alt | escape }}" />
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
</div><!-- #product-photos -->
// Load variant image into feature area
$('.product-photo-thumb a').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault();
$elem = $(this);
var newAttributes = {
src: $elem.attr('href'),
title: $elem.data('title'),
alt: $elem.data('alt')
$('#product-photo-container img').attr(newAttributes);
Javascript for this would look something like this:
// Load variant image into feature area
$('.product-photo-thumb a').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault();
$elem = $(this).find('img')[0];
var newAttributes = {
src: $elem.attr('src'),
title: $elem.attr('title'),
alt: $elem.attr('alt')
$('#product-photo-container img').attr(newAttributes);
Read all of the parameters directly from the image and reapply them to the feature img.