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To access the index value of struts iterator in scriptlet array index

Using Struts2, I have a comma separated String of my images captions. While iterating the images to render on JSP I need to display caption along with specific images and could not get any specific tag to split caption String over delimiter and to access specific caption. I am trying the below code and don't know what to use in place of something to get the current iteration index in iterator.

<s:iterator value="images" status="incr">  
  <%= ((String)request.getAttribute("imageCaptionsString")).split(",")[something]%>

I know that using scriptlets and expression tags in JSP are not recommended, but I don't have any idea how to avoid it.


  • The current iteration index is available via the status attribute of the <s:iterator> tag. In your case is #incr.index. If you want to display that index

    <s:iterator value="images" status="incr"> 
      <s:property value="%{#incr.index}"/>

    then scriplet could be changed to OGNL expression

    <s:property value='#attr.imageCaptionsString.split(",")[%{#incr.index}]'/>