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Best way to notify browser on database updates?

I have been using django for almost 6 months now and it works fine for almost all kind of websites I do.

However , recently I stumbled upon an issue when I was doing a website, where a user gets notified about any blog post the other user updates.

My approach was this :

From my template I keep doing an ajax call like this :

 $(document).ready(function() {
   setInterval(function(){get_updates();}, 10000);
   function get_updates(){
      type: "GET",
      datatype: 'json',
      url: "{% url 'models.views.update_notification' %}",
      success: function(data) { 

class UpdateNotificationView(View):
    def get(self, request):
        user = FriendUser.objects.get(name='friend')
        msg = {"updated" : user.is_updated()}
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(msg))

Assuming that notifications.html is just a partial included in every page:

 <div id='divid'>{{ notification }}</div>

The problem here is that , I don't think its a good Idea to keep doing ajax calls like this every x seconds/minutes.

Is there a way to push updates from the backend as soon as a database is updated directly to the browser , without polling for updates like this ?

Or is django not made up for it ?


  • I guess you should have a look at django-comet or any othe comet-like project.
    It will allow you to push a response from server to the user's browser.

    Wiki page on Comet:

    Also, let me share a link to a great answer on this topic: