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Seaside Smalltalk & jQuery UI Accordion - huge height

I have a problem. I would like to make a site in Seaside Smalltalk which would display methods of all subclasses of Collection in a jQuery UI Accordion. I've developed two methods:

renderContentOn: html 
html div script: html jQuery new accordion;

    with: [(self elements: html)
            keysAndValuesDo: [:t2 :t3 | 
                    div: [html anchor: t2].
                html div
                    with: [html paragraph: t3]]]

elements: html 
| dict |
dict := Dictionary new.
Collection withAllSubclasses
    do: [:e | dict
            at: e asString
            put: [html orderedList list: e methodDict]].
^ dict

Everything is working fine except one thing: the height of the containing divs is horribly high: 7000px. I've no idea what is causing that, and I need help.

UPDATE: I'm using Seaside 3.0.7. These styles are set inline. The two files I've provided are everything I use. The text takes about 1/10 place of the div, the rest is just empty space.


  • It's a bit outdated but as there is still no answer:

    add autoHeight: false to your accordion creation. auto-height: true, which is default sizes all Compartments the same height.

    html div script: (html jQuery new accordion
                   autoHeight: false );