Search code examples

Recursive unsorted array search algorithm in C?

Let's say we want to write a function in C that finds a specified target value in an unsorted array of ints. In general, this is simple and runs in O(n) time:

int search(int *data, int len, int target)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
        if(data[i]==target) return i;
    return -1;

Let's say we're being masochistic and want to approach this with a divide and conquer algorithm instead. We'll run into trouble on the recursive part because we can't exclude half the array each time, like we can with binary search:

int search(int *data, int start, int stop, int target)
// Base case: we've divided the array into two size subarray
    if(data[start]==target) return start;
    if(data[stop]==target) return stop;
    return -1;
/* The recursion part is tricky.  
    We *need* to parse both halves of the array, because we can't safely
    exclude any part of the array; it's not sorted, so we can't predict
    which half it's going to be in.*/
    /** This obviously doesn't work. */
    int mid = (stop-start)/2;
    return search(data, start, mid, target);
    return search(data, mid+1, stop, target);

Is there any way to make this work?

NOTE: This is not asking people to do my homework for me, as some of you may think when reading this question. It is, however, inspired by curiosity after I encountered this problem when trying to solve a question in an assignment that I've submitted earlier this week.


  • How about changing the recursive call to:

        int mid = (stop-start)/2;
        int x = search(data, start, mid, target);
        if (x == -1)
            return search(data, mid+1, stop, target);
            return x;