I have details of Host_name, Queue_name, channel_name and binding file, Except Queue_manager name. and i need to connect to MQ 7. Please just give a connectivity program. I tried posting in this and other forums but the connection problem still persists. So i thought if anyone could help me with the code. I will be very happy if anyone help me to do this.
If you know Host name, channel name and port number, then you can get the queue manager name like below:
MQEnvironment.channel = 'SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN'; //Replace with your channel name
MQEnvironment.hostname = 'localhost'; //Replace with your host name
MQEnvironment.port = 1414; //Replace with your port number
MQQueueManager QM_OBJ= new MQQueueManager("");
String QueueManagerName = QM_OBJ.getAttributeString(MQC.MQCA_Q_MGR_NAME, 100).trim();