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Ember deferred tasks prevent test-helper promises from resolving

I'm developing an Ember-based application with front-end integration testing using QUnit and Teaspoon. I'm currently trying to implement a new feature that involves regular server queries using recursive calls of In much simplified form, written in CoffeeScript, this code is:

App.Widget = DS.Model.extend
  update: ->
    widget = @
    options = {...}
    @store.findQuery('widget_children', options).then (data) ->
      (do stuff with data) widget, widget.update, 10000

I then have a set of unrelated tests that involve clicking on various elements of the page (using the click helper in Ember.Test), similar to the following:

asyncTest 'Gadget modal displays on link click', 1, -> ->
    click($('.gadget a')).then ->
      equal $('#gadget-modal').length, 1, "Gadget modal not present"

What I'm seeing right now is that when Teaspoon gets to a click test (with a later call pending due to the app setup), it performs the click correctly, but the promise never resolves and the actual test assertions are not tested.

I'm assuming that the promise is not resolving because the deferred later call is considered asynchronous behaviour that the click helper is waiting to be completed, except that when it completes it merely sets up another later call – so it is never resolved.

Is there a way around this?


  • Ember Testing will stall and wait while timers still exist before it continues in testing mode on certain async functions.

    Are you consistently pushing things into the run loop? If so this might be blocking the testing from continuing.

    You might need to disable certain functionality when running in test mode.