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Trouble in Knockout when mapping data in nested observableArray

I have trouble trying to map data in a nested observableArray (timeSlots). When I fill my participants observableArray it works just fine. I bet I have to do something special when it's nested.

I'm new to Knockout so not sure what I am doing wrong. I've been looking at the documentation to no avail, especially at:

Here is my code: (EDITED)

<script type="text/javascript">

var TimeSlot = function (startTime, endTime) {
    var self = this;
    self.startTime = startTime;
    self.endTime = endTime;

var Participant = function (id, timeSlots) {
    var self = this;
    self.Name = id;
    self.roomName = ko.observable();
    self.timeSlots = ko.observableArray();

    var timeSlotVMs =, function(ts) {
        return new TimeSlot(ts.startTime, ts.endTime);

    ko.utils.arrayPushAll(self.timeSlots(), timeSlotVMs);

function ViewModel() {
    var self = this;
    self.participants = ko.observableArray([]);

    self.addPerson = function () {
         var data = '{"TimeSlot":[{"startTime":"05:23","endTime":"06:32"},
         var partViewModel = new Participant(self.selectedValue().Id(), data.TimeSlot);

var viewModel = new ViewModel();


And HTML if needed:

<tbody data-bind="foreach: viewModel.participants">
        <td data-bind="text: Name"></td>
        <td data-bind="text: roomName"></td>

        <td data-bind="foreach: viewModel.participants.timeSlots">
                <span data-bind="text: startTime"></span>


  • Try this:

    var TimeSlot = function (startTime, endTime) {
        var self = this;
        self.startTime = startTime;
        self.endTime = endTime;
    var Participant = function (id, timeSlots) {
        var self = this;
        self.Name = id;
        self.roomName = ko.observable();
        self.timeSlots = ko.observableArray();
        var timeSlotVMs =, function(ts) {
            return new TimeSlot(ts.startTime, ts.endTime); 
        ko.utils.arrayPushAll(self.timeSlots(), timeSlotVMs);        
    function ViewModel() {
        var self = this;
        self.participants = ko.observableArray();
        self.addPerson = function () {
             var data = {
                 TimeSlot: [
             var partViewModel = new Participant(123, data.TimeSlot);

    I used lodash library function 'map', to create array of viewmodels.

    Also, you have error in your layout. Use timeSlots instead viewModel.participants.timeSlots:

    <tbody data-bind="foreach: participants">
            <td data-bind="text: Name"></td>
            <td data-bind="text: roomName"></td>
            <td data-bind="foreach: timeSlots">
                <span data-bind="text: startTime"></span>