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Jersey Client Xml Collection Unmarshalling

I'm writing a rest client using jersey-client v2.3.1 and need to unmarshal an xml response with a root node containing a collection of widget nodes. Like something resembling the following ...

    <widget />
    <widget />

Currently I have a Widget model ...

public class Widget {

However I do not have a wrapper for this model (at least not yet), but I presume I could create one that would allow the response to be unmarshalled. It'd probably look something like this ...

public class WidgetResponse {
    public Widget[] widgets;

In which case my rest call would likely be ...


My question is, can the request be unmarshalled nicely without having to create a wrapper class using jersey-client / jaxb?


  • The following two references led me to a solution ...

    Without a wrapper class the collection can be retrieved with the @XmlRootElement jaxb annotation applied to the model ...

    public class Widget {

    And then modifying the client call to use the GenericType class. To retrieve an array you can call ...

    Widget[] widgets = ClientBuilder.newClient()
        .get(new GenericType<Widget[]>(){});

    Or similarly to retrieve a list you can call ...

    List<Widget> widgets = ClientBuilder.newClient()
        .get(new GenericType<List<Widget>>(){});