I am developing an Android app that plots the gyroscope sensor input in a graph with the GraphView 3.1 library.
The data that I am feeding the GraphView is values between -90 and 90.
Due to that I want the graph to show both positive and negative values, I consequently want origo to be in the middle of the graph (vertically).
Demo of the graph: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtQOVU0GEEY
As you can see in the video, the graph starts with the x- and y-axis values in the top/bottom, this is unwanted, as it the values are 0 in both cases. They should both be in the middle (vertical center i.e. origo) when the x- and y-axis are 0. The graph should never shift the curve depending on subsequent values either, which is shown as soon as I tilt the device.
Do any of you have an idea of how to fix this? I would like the plot consistent and not relative to the subsequent values.
The code that I am using is almost identical to the one jjoe64 has created in his demo: https://github.com/jjoe64/GraphView-Demos/blob/master/src/com/jjoe64/graphviewdemos/RealtimeGraph.java
Thanks! Best Regards, Tim
Try to fix the y bounds with the method
graphview.setManualYAxisBounds(-100d, 100d);