I created a QMainWindow using QT Designer. As we know, it has statusBar by default.
By default, QT Designer gave its objectname as "statusBar". Now, when I tried to call like:-
statusBar()->showMessage(tr("File successfully loaded."), 3000);
as we have a function with prototype: QStatusBar * QMainWindow::statusBar () const
The Compiler shows the error:-
error: reference to ‘statusBar’ is ambiguous.
error: candidates are: QStatusBar* Ui_MainWindow::statusBar
error: QStatusBar*QMainWindow::statusBar() const
Actually, i was following a book "The Art of Building Qt Applications by DANIEL MOLKENTIN". And I am compiling the same code given in book.
Above code is in mainwindows.cpp and i have included "mainwindow.h" & "ui_mainwindow.h" in it...
Is this a bug in QT4??
Ask for a specific version of the method statusBar():
Ui_MainWindow::statusBar()->showMessage(tr("File successfully loaded."), 3000);