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SQL DELETE with JOIN another table for WHERE condition

I have to delete rows from guide_category that have no relation with guide table (dead relations).

Here is what I want to do, but it of course does not work.

DELETE FROM guide_category AS pgc 
 WHERE pgc.id_guide_category IN (SELECT id_guide_category 
                                   FROM guide_category AS gc
                              LEFT JOIN guide AS g ON g.id_guide = gc.id_guide
                                  WHERE g.title IS NULL)


You can't specify target table 'guide_category' for update in FROM clause


  • Due to the locking implementation issues, MySQL does not allow referencing the affected table with DELETE or UPDATE.

    You need to make a JOIN here instead:

    DELETE  gc.*
    FROM    guide_category AS gc 
            guide AS g 
    ON      g.id_guide = gc.id_guide
    WHERE   g.title IS NULL

    or just use a NOT IN:

    FROM    guide_category AS gc 
    WHERE   id_guide NOT IN
            SELECT  id_guide
            FROM    guide